Tomorrow my kids are back at school, and I can hopefully regain a little of my routine for our family life and for my business. I have hired both of the employees that I was searching for, and on Tuesday of next week, both will be here for their regular shifts. Katherine will be here now and then to help with training, but soon it will all be up to my new staff: Olivia - to do our digital work, Caitlin - to manage the office, Heidi - to act as second shooter (and to work on special projects as they come up) and me to concentrate on the shooting and the business itself. It will be so glorious to have things running smoothly again!
And just a note, we are now taking bookings for September and October for Fall pictures. The leaves can change at any time here in Cold Lake, but as a rule, I can usually shoot outdoors until the middle of October and still have Fall color. There is usually a week or two after that time that we still have Fall leaves, but they are often on the ground (although that can be nice too!) Inside portraits in the studio are also a possibility at any time. In order to have portraits back in time for Christmas, I stop shooting by the middle of November. Any sessions scheduled after that time will be with no promises of a pre-Christmas delivery.