Sunday, August 9, 2009

Time to Open up a little..

It's always been something that I admire in others, especially other photographers. The ability to blog on a regular basis and open themselves up to the world. I love reading some blogs and don't often miss a day without checking for new posts. All of the advice I hear is to blog - blog more, blog regularly, blog about everything - that way it is easier to let clients know more about who we are as people as opposed to just being photographers. It's kind of like when we're kids and we see our favorite teacher in the grocery store and think, "Wow, they leave the school AND they shop for food, just like me!" It helps us all relate on a very real level.

It's definitely been on my mind to be more diligent about my blogging, but when I sit down, all of the doubts start creeping in: will there be anyone reading? what will I talk about? can I write? how much do I want to share? where do I start? So I've decided that because I really have so many things to say, that I will just start. Start and see what happens, you know? And if no one's out there reading just yet, no worries... they will catch up :)

Let's start with some basics.  I am 42 years young, a wife to a very wonderful husband, Doug, and mom to two great kids, Jonah who's 11 and Tagen who's 9 . We live with a sweet little black puppy named Leila, a mini-Rex indoor rabbit named Charlie and two outside cats - Jinx and Rex (we're thankfully on an acreage - a very good thing!!) We live a very nice life, here in Cold Lake, and except for the 6 months of winter and few shopping options, it is almost perfect.

Before I was a photographer, I was a teacher. I taught French Immersion Kindergarten and Grade 1, and loved it.  Especially the kids - loved, loved the kids!  Then once I had my babies, I had to make a decision to go back or to stay home with my own kids and figure something else out. With my love of photography and the help of those already in business, it was a no brainer - photographer was my new chosen profession! I will get more into the ins and outs of how this journey has been in later posts, I'm sure, but all in all, it was a very good decision!

Here are a few other things that, in getting to know me, you may like to know - like,  I am a Mac girl (and an apparent Mac preacher, when someone in the room is complaining about their PC that is!), I shoot Canon (my 50mm 1.4 lens is my newest friend), I love cookies and chocolate and coffee and Chinese Food and cherries ( 'c' things seems to be a theme here).  More importantly, my love and loyalty to my family, close friends and to my faith are strong and ever present, and I love to learn, to listen, to laugh and to grow in my spirit on a daily basis. 

And there you have it!  My first personal blog post!!  Unbelievable, isn't it?!  I will leave you with a picture of our family with Mickey, on our first trip to Disney.  

Good night, blog readers!  
Until next time,


1 comment:

Melissa E Earle said...

I am super SUPER proud of you! I loved everything you wrote and know that this is the first of an amazing journey! Super excited for all of our soon to be had adventures!!
-Melissa E Earle