I DO have 10 Grad Reps this year, and I DO think they are all wonderful and I DO need to finish processing and posting some of all of their fun sessions. Which is my way of saying that I DO understand that there's been a lot of Grads posted here lately, but I DO need to give them their time in the spotlight, because they deserve it.
Tonight it is Jaclyn's turn. She did her session with Britni, as I said in my last post. They are obviously very good friends and so fun! So have a look here and on Facebook, and appreciate how cute and photogenic she is and then you'll have to wait awhile for the final four - but it will be worth it, promise!
I will need to break from all processing for a few days, as I prepare for Donna & Tyler's wedding this weekend - my last of the season. I think then I will try to post for some of my recent brides before I post anyone else. Because I DO think it's their turn :)